Preceded by numerous speakers bashing Mr. Trump, and a syrupy introduction by her daughter Chelsea, Democratic Nominee for President, took to the podium.  I chose to see it with some new friends from the Bernie delegates at an Italian restaurant Watch Party. They said there would be “light food” served.  It was on an equal plain as any Roman Bacchanal.

My hopes for her speech were to lay out a clear direction for her candidacy as a future President.  I was quite satisfied.  She embraced the strongest points of Bernie Sanders, and only contrasted them with Mr. Trumps proposals.  There were no long rants against the Donald, but more of a message of progress.  I hope she means it.  We know she can slip back into a more conservative mode, but with what was in her acceptance speech, there is plenty of ammunition to hold her feet to the fire.  Bernie delegates and supporters are organizing to elect down ballot officials who are progressives, and stand ready to keep the pressure on that there will be no backtracking on her promises.  I count myself one of these who want the energy from the Sanders effort to land in legislation and Supreme Court Justices who are on board with a modern view of our Constitution.

Image: US-VOTE-DEMOCRATS-CONVENTION dem-2016-convention_satc-3.jpg

It is still unclear which camp she will pick for cabinet positions if she wins.  Any deference to corporations may make her an one term President.  Time will tell.

So now it’s back to summertime on Nantucket.  I’m going to take a rest from political action while on the Island.  I met an old friend from NH, a Hillary supporter, and I decided I would only go up to the Granite State to do campaign work only with him.  He is a proud Mexican American, but more importantly there is a four year old home cooked Mexican dinner he has not cashed in yet.  He said he would make good on his promise when we reunited in the Convention halls.

So it’s adieu to this primary season, but I will be back in action in September.  Massachusetts Bernie delegates will meet together in October to make sure our issues persevere.  The future seems a little brighter after these last 4 days.  I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

Tonight Hillary Clinton gives her acceptance speech bringing the Convention to a close.  Her job must be to state her values and what energy she will bring to the issues most Americans care about.  Last night VP Biden preceded Tim Kaine’s acceptance to be the next VP.  He floated positive ideas, and then contrasted them to a portrayal of how Democrats view Donald Trump.  This would be all right, but there is an overuse  of this theme of denigrating Trump.  So much so that I think it will make the electorate numb to this kind of campaigning.


Bernie has essentially given the same speech multiple times, but it never fails to draw people in.  Yesterday morning was no exception. He spoke to the Massachusetts and Washington State delegations.  It was his most powerful version of his stump speech, and I believe in people’s heart of hearts they had some sense of his allure to his voters.  Only his gender and his career as an independent(not a “real Democrat”)put him second place. It was obvious to everyone as we ate our breakfast that Bernie Sanders is a mensch.

It has been a big frustration to supporters of the Bern that his triumphs have come by losing.  There is admiration for his efforts, and they have produced platform, rules changes, and more progressive stances by Hillary Clinton.  This came out of a model campaign even though he lost.  Realizing this, I got it in my head that it is time for a win-win for Bernie, and also for Hillary, and the American people. I approached Senator Markey, Secretary Galvin, Paul Feeney(Ma campaign director for Bernie), Hillary delegates, fellow Bernie delegates, and in addition conducted an interview at the Pa Convention Center(not to be confused with the Wells Fargo Convention Center) that Senator Sanders should be assured of a Chairmanship of the Health Services Committee. His strong advocacy of single payer would have solid advancement if the Dems retake the Senate.  If that approval could be forthcoming now, it could be used as a campaign promise by HRC with the following possible results.  It would be a win for Bernie and his supporters.  Berniecrats could vote more enthusiastically for Clinton, and a “yuggghe” win for  the American people. Finally there would be some hope for real health insurance reform.

Me being interviewed on Tuesday

Tomorrow the last installment covering today’s events.

The first day of the Convention belonged to Bernie Sanders.  Although there were attempts to soften his impact his supporters wouldn’t allow it.  He was there to repeat his support for Hillary Clinton, but only if he had correctly understood what she was willing to fight for.  15$ minimum wage, saying no to the PTT, expanding affordable health care to all, getting rid of Citizens United, and oh there was more.  The Convention crowd went mild.  Bernie as he usually does hit it out of the park.  The inevitable conclusion will come to his campaign, but from its ashes, he has formed a new organization, OUR REVOLUTION.  This is only phase one, more to come.

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Day two brought the roll call vote and ended with ex-President Clinton mundane speech. However even here Bernie won while losing.  Each state no matter if he won or lost the vote, praised what he has brought to this contest.  When the counting came to Vermont, following alphabetic order, Bernie thanked his supporters, and asked for a win for Secretary Clinton by acclimation.  Before that happened his nomination was seconded by 3 strong women who brought me to tears in their deep felt love for this man.  Everyone loves him, but a political order and being a woman took precedence over being the better candidate for the American people.

Bernie, in his wisdom, will not allow his campaign to “revolutionize” America die.  A new organization has been born, “Our Revolution”.  Back to work I guess.

I was able in the midst of all this to give a 1 minute interview to a medical newsletter, and send off my third recording.  Oy, tomorrow I have to do it again.

Well the GOP Convention has finished, and Donald Trump preached doom and gloom if Hillary becomes President.  Some even called for her incarceration or even execution for treason.  That got the attention of the Secret Service.  Still the polls remain close with such crazy language.

Today’s the day HRC will name her running mate.  The money is on Tim Kaine, a smart but lackluster choice.  There wasn’t another female on the list.  Only a long shot who didn’t want the job, Elizabeth Warren.

Bernie Delegates are still trying to figure out how to get more traction on the Convention floor.  Wikileaks just released thousands of emails from the DNC showing their disdain for Bernie.  Hopefully it’s patched up now.

Still trying to find out when Bernie will speak.  It is suppose to be this Monday, but where and when is still unsettled.



I want to save my energy for the Democratic Convention, but a few notes on what transpired last night in Cleveland.  First a floor fight that evaporated.  Trump opposition thought they had at least 7 states who wanted to allow a roll call vote to oust Trump.  Somehow it fizzles as 3 states dropped below the necessary signatures to make it happen under dubious circumstances.  The Colorado delegation briefly walked out in protest.

On to the speakers.  A host of people who still think they live in the Wild West strove to the microphone trying to rabble rouse members to carry out a kangaroo court against Hillary Clinton.  Spewing a string of falsehoods, they tried to make their point.  Hopefully Americans have some yardstick to measure their veracity.  Obama was even called a muslim again, and blamed for every ill they created.

Finally out of an artificial mist, came Donald Trump to introduce his former model wife#3, Melania.  She spoke well with the teleprompter, but parts of her speech were lifted from another politician’s wife…Michelle Obama.  Oh well.  The NY Times this am had a bio on her.  It chronicled her rise from small town show off, to marrying one.

I will leave it to others to summarize days 2 through 4.  However assessing the cheap shots they were taking, I think it would be wisest to contrast policy, and what policies Clinton would favor to help Americans.  If Mr. Trump tweets he will appear small if he is alone in the insult department or he will have to counter with his own proposals.

Probably won’t happen

Sen. Joni Ernst

Trump Wins Indiana Primaries Setting Path to GOP Nomination


Donald Trump and his chosen VP appeared on 60 minutes for an interview.  It was a staged performance with the nominee pulling the strings or guiding Mr. Pence’s every word.  Case in point was a question from Leslie Stahl to Mike Pence where he clearly differed with Mr. Trump.  He was stunned and silent until Mr. Trump told him to speak his mind with his “permission”(my paraphrase).  Well he didn’t, but whitewashed his answer to coincide with the “boss”.

The theme for day one of the GOP Convention is, get ready for this, “Make America Safe Again”.  The meme falls apart since the downfall was the direct result of Republican policy and actions under George Bush.  Sorry to say too many Dems also went along for the ride into the abyss.  Speakers will include a “survivor” of  Ben Ghazi, a Navy Seal, and a admiral who thought Ayotollah Homeni was still alive.

The Bernie supporters continue to shore up inside and outside activities.  Inside the strongest aim is to go on record to reject TPP via a vote on the minority report with the whole of Convention delegates.  This is scheduled to take place Tuesday, July 26.


On Saturday, July 23, the People’s Convention representing an amalgamation of over 50 Bernie aligned free-standing groups will listen to a variety of speakers while expressing their continued enthusiasm for Bernie.  The featured issues are BLM, Medicare For All, rejection of TPP, No Fracking, and expansion of Social Security.


Typo Error: Should read “We must nominate Honest Men and Women”

We have entered a time in this political season where the road ahead is uncertain.  The polls with a 4 way race(includes Johnson and Stein) showed Trump with a slight lead after FBI Director Comey’s “very careless” assessment of Secretary Clinton’s handling of her emails.  Now they have bounced back with some time gone by, and she is ahead by 6 to 7 points.

In the meantime Bernie Delegates are meeting all over the nation to bolster support for positions rejected by Clinton’s dominated Platform Committee.  These include rejection of TPP, abolishing fracking, introducing Medicare For All, and expansion of Social Security.  Some mechanism will be used to bring up a vote on these before the whole convention.

Other events have occurred to muddle the political minds of American citizens.  A lone unbalanced French citizen of Tunisian background drove a large truck into thousands celebrating Bastille Day in Nice.  The man was shot dead by police, but not before he killed 84 people with 200 others injured.  He had no connection to ISIS, but all parties are trying hard to make one.  If that wasn’t enough a so-called coup took place in Turkey yesterday under questionable circumstances with fingers even pointing at President Erdogan orchestrating it himself to gain more dictatorial powers.  The US had to recognize he was democratically elected, and condemned the coup.  How it will all play out is uncertain, and what the effects of these happenings on the American electorate is unknown.  The two options are no response or greater calls for heightened security.  This is already happening for the GOP convention in Cleveland.


It also clear there is going to be much human activity outside these conventions, but now the edginess of world news may make for more confrontation possible.  All in all not a good time for positive politics, but who knows.



So Bernie endorses Hillary, somewhat.  It was only in the light of those issues they agreed on.  There will be a roll call vote on the nomination at the Convention.  In a way, it was a bit uncomfortable as Bernie easily took command of the rally.  He conceded by conceding nothing.  Hillary followed, but her themes were mostly in attack mode against Donald Trump.

Bernie did some of that, but only with more prominent backdrop of the issues he supports, and the Donald does not.  Bernie Delegates should understand that his endorsement, more a Democratic Party endorsement, came with a strong vindication of his candidacy.

Tomorrow in Portsmouth, NH, it will be the Hillary and Bernie Show.  I wish I was a fly on the wall as the two campaigns came to an agreed conclusion.  The Bernie delegates want this to occur at the Convention, but it might be better to trust our candidate’s judgment.  It is time to decide whether honey or vinegar wins the day.  Bernie seems to have chosen the former.  For myself, I really don’t know what the right political decision is.

Anyway Bernie is not going away.  He wants to keep his options open, namely to be chairman of an important committee in the Senate.  I know he will work as hard as anyone to secure a Democratic majority once again.  Even without this historic run for the Presidency, his career will make it into the history books, and he will serve as a model for good government for those who choose a path of political leadership.


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At the final Platform Committee meeting in Orlando both Single Payer and opposition to TPP were voted down.  The nursing union representative failed to move the Clinton delegates saying this forum is the only place where Democrats disagree on these issues.  By polls, 85% of Democrats and 58% of the general public favor Medicare For All.  The same goes for the non support of TPP.

It is sad that the entrenched party members do not see the economic and general survival aspects of these two issues.  The TPP has been shown to be worker non friendly, essentially in all covered countries, and unavailable affordable health insurance costs lives.  The goal posts are non existent for these party officials as they display their political angst to ask for bolder change.  In their mind it takes away votes, but, in reality, would attract more to their side.

Worse still, too many Clinton supporters feel they are the winners and should dictate what is to be supported.  Healthy discussion is frowned upon, and refuse to see the light on the most basic problems we face.  It’s all about political calculations.